Myinfo business Registered Address come in 2 types, SG and Unformatted.
If Type = SG, it means Myinfo business will return a Singapore Local Address which comes with its block, building, floor, unit, street, postal and country.
However if Type = Unformatted, it means Myinfo business will return an address which comes with line1 and line2. The address is expected to be a non-Singapore Local Address, however it might still be a Singapore Local Address in unformatted format.
There are additional information Standard that return the standard formatting that the address is adhering to i.e.
- D - Singapore Government Data Reference Model (SG-DRM)
- F - National Coded Address (NCA)
- L - Local Unformatted Address
- N - Foreign Unformatted Address
You can solely rely on the Type to determine whether the data will come with block, building, floor, unit, street, postal, country or line1, line2.
Or in other words, there might still be address returned with Type = SG, Standard = N, however it still comes with block, building, floor, unit, street, postal, and country.
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