What is the URL to the Singpass API portal?
Our old portal Developer & Partner Portal - https://api.singpass.gov.sg
Our new portal Singpass Developer Portal - https://developer.singpass.gov.sg
How can I get access to the Singpass API portal?
Please ensure that your Corppass Administrator has assigned your organisation’s UEN and access to 'SINGPASS API DEVELOPER AND PARTNER PORTAL' to your Singpass account.
You may refer to the Corppass Admin User Guide on how to assign the digital service.
Who is my Corppass Administrator?
- To check who is your organisation's Corppass Adminstrator:
- Go to https://www.corppass.gov.sg/
- On the top navigation bar, select Services > Find Your Corppass Admin
- Login using your Singpass account
- Search for your company's UEN (i.e. 201013383H)
What can I do on the Developer and Partner (old) portal?
- Submit link up requests to integrate with Singpass APIs
- Submit your staging and production configuration details
- Modify or edit your staging and production configuration details
- Update POC details for your apps
- View our Subscription plans (for private sector partners only)
- Agree to our Services Agreement (for private sector partners only)
What can I do on the Singpass Developer (new) portal?
- Create your staging and/or production app.
- Modify or edit your staging and production app configuration details
- Update POC details for your apps
- View our Subscription plans (for private sector partners only)
- Agree to our Services Agreement (for private sector partners only)
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